Monday, May 19, 2014


Today was spent creating a collage focused around Amitayus, the Buddha of Boundless Life (Longevity).  My beloved refuge lama, Khenpo Chopel, is in town and performed an Amitayus Empowerment/Blessing on Saturday.  Amitayus is red in color and holds a vessel containing the nectar of immortality.

I found myself pleased with the finished collage.  I wasn't quite sure how the red and blue hues would work together but I think it worked out.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I have a fantasy about being able to start and finish a drawing Everyday. . .

As for now, I am working on this drawing for a friend who recently tattooed a blue fox on my arm.  I am really enjoying the way it is turning out.  I think prints may be available at my Etsy Store soon.  Please let me know what you guys think.  I will be sure to post a picture when it is completed. Cheers!

Interpreting Your Natal Astrology

Many people who commission me to create their natal charts assume they will be incapable of unraveling the mysteries of the chart themselves.  The truth is, there are innumerable online and offline resources when it comes to astrology.  Figuring out the basic aspects of your chart is relatively easy once you know what you are looking at.   

I always encourage building a familiarity with your natal chart.  It may help you recognize both positive and negative tendencies and patterns in your own behavior and inspire ways to transcend unfavorable situations, both internally and externally.  I personally refer to my own chart quite often, especially at times of stagnation and when dealing with anxiety.   Here is a very helpful article if you are approaching the interpretation of your natal astrology for the first time or just need to brush up on your knowledge of the outer planets.  Enjoy!

Your Natal Astrology Chart - Map of Your Soul's Purpose
By Chris Zydel, MA

What is it that allows you to wake up in the morning feeling energized and inspired?
The particulars are going to vary, but I think the majority of us feel most alive when we experience being aligned with some greater purpose. That purpose is often related to becoming more of who we are, to giving ourselves permission to freely and unselfconsciously use all of our natural gifts , and to having the willingness and the courage to continually grow, learn and stretch ourselves in order to live a truly authentic life.
We all know what it feels like when we are totally engaged in our lives, and how deeply satisfying it is when we experience being in the flow with all cylinders firing. But too frequently we lose our connection with that full on sense of "YES". And when we do find it again we often don't know how we got there or how to get it back when it's gone.
So we need a map. How often have you heard someone say " I wish I had gotten an instruction manual for my life." Well, the truth of it is that there is just such a thing. And that thing is called a natal astrological chart.
Your astrology chart is essentially a blueprint for how to achieve your soul's optimal growth in this life. Your natal chart paints a picture of your inner world that can help you understand your needs, desires and motivations more deeply. But it also answers the question of " Why are you here?" What are the specific tasks you need to undertake to fulfill your unique destiny, what lessons are you here to learn, what are the challenges that you need to embrace that will allow you to feel like your life has purpose and meaning?
Your natal chart is more than just your sun sign. It includes all the planets in our solar system, and each of these planets is a metaphor for a different "operating system" in your psyche. Understanding these systems and how they all work together is like having a "guidebook for your life " complete with detailed instructions about how to make the most positive use of your planetary energies and how to effectively deal with the challenges presented by your chart.
I have included a short description below of the individual planets and the psychological issues that each one addresses to give you some sense of the rich information that your natal chart can offer you.
The Sun gives you suggestions about how to maintain your greatest sense of vitality , sanity and joie de vivre and shows you where and how you need to shine in the world.
The Moon gives you clues about you what makes you happy and how to feed and nurture your deepest heart and soul.
The Ascendant gives you information about the best way to present yourself and the personality style that will give you the greatest ongoing sense of confidence and effectiveness.
Venus paints a picture of your natural soul mates, what you need to be fulfilled in love , and your gifts and talents in the realms of art and creativity.
Mars asks and answers this question: In what areas of your life do you need to develop more courage?
Jupiter gives you a good idea as to where you might be naturally lucky but also reveals where and how you sell yourself short, and in what areas of your life it is a good idea to take some outrageous risks.
Look to Saturn in your chart to see where you are being called upon to perform a great work thus developing a natural sense of authority.
Uranus shows you where you need to break any outmoded rules that are holding you back and in what way you need to follow your own individual path.
Neptune points you in the direction of how you connect most naturally with a sense of inspiration, intuition, and spirituality.
Where you find the planet Pluto is the place of your greatest wounding and the source of your greatest passion once the wound is healed.
And finally, the Nodes of the Moon give you a clear picture as to the nature of your evolutionary journey . The South Node of the Moon points out the deeply familiar patterns of your life that can feel frustrating and repetitive and ultimately like dead ends. The North Node of the moon directs you to the cutting edge path of growth that will put you on track with your life's purpose leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and aliveness.
So take some time to look at your own chart with some of these concepts in mind or treat yourself to an in depth reading with a competent astrologer.
Copyright © Chris Zydel 2007

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hand Crafted Horoscopes

Order a hand drawn natal horoscope from Eleonore! A unique gift for yourself or another.  Each chart includes a 6 - 12 page written explanation.  Further personal consultations are available in person, via phone or web.  Soon you will be able to explore my entire process of creating these astrological maps in 'The Process" portion of this blog...stay tuned.

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul!